- Beyond the Ghetto Gates is featured in Writer’s Digest in an article written by Michelle: “Why I Write Jewish Historical Fiction.”
- Beyond the Ghetto Gates is featured on’s Unforgettable Jewish Historical Fiction!
- Looking for great authors to come to your virtual book club? Beyond the Ghetto Gates is part of the new program, Authors in Pajamas! (Look for the book in the New in paperback or coming soon listing as well as the Italia! listing.)
- Did you miss Hannah Mary McKinnon reading the first chapter? Listen now via Facebook Live or on Youtube.
- Beyond the Ghetto Gates is included this Jewish Journal roundup of “25 Inspiring Books Worth Adding to Your COVID-19 Summer Reading List.”
- Delighted to once again be part of Susanne Dunlop’s podcast, “It’s Just Historical,” together with novelists Jacqueline Sheehan and Linda Cardillo, as we discussed researching our historical novels.

- Silver Medal in the Independent Publisher Book Awards‘ Historical Fiction Category
- First Place, Best of Category for the Chanticleer Goethe Awards
- Finalist in the 2020 Foreword Indies
Articles, Blog Posts & More
- Clea Simon’s “Five Questions with Michelle Cameron.”
- Moment Magazine‘s B’shert (Soulmate) column, talking about how
my husband and I were “Bonded by the Bard.”
- “Why I Write,” part of Christi Craig’s Sunday Series.
- “Talking Location with author Michelle Cameron – ANCONA” in TripFiction.
- Interview on Lilith’s blog, “Beyond the Ghetto Gates: The Liberation of Jews in Italy.”
- My article, “Beyond The Ghetto Gates” Includes #MeToo Themes” appeared in Girl Talk HQ.
- “Writing Women Back into Jewish History: Interview with Michelle Cameron by Mary Sharratt” in Feminism and Religion.
- My interview in the Chatham Courier appears, some four months post interview. A lot has happened in the interim!
- My interview with Loretta Goldberg, in anticipation of the June 30 Published Authors event at the NY Chapter of the Historical Novelists Society.
- An interview on Dead Darlings, which is holding a Virtual Book Tour for authors whose tours were cancelled due to the pandemic.
- An interview in Womanscape, which touches on my writing life as well as the themes of the the novel.
- An interview in fellow historical novelist Susanne Dunlap’s blog.
- An interview with Heidi Slowinski on her blog.
- An article in Writer’s Digest: “Why I Write Jewish Historical Fiction.”
- A blog post on A Writer of History, M.K. Todd’s blog, “Coronavirus and Living in a Historical Novel.”
- A blog post on Margaret Rodenberg’s Finding Napoleon blog
- An interview on Who’s That Indie Author?
- An interview with fellow Jewish historical novelist, Mirta Ines Trupp, on her blog.
- Claudia Long, aka Madame Mariana, responds to Mirelle d’Ancona’s request for advice on her blog.
dings, Podcasts & Radio Interviews
- Featured reader in Murphy Writing at Stockton University’s Virtual Reading on March 27 – Watch it here.
- Reading from Kitty O’Meara’s poem, “And the People Stayed Home” with other authors who are publishing books during this difficult period. For The Jewish Journal.
- Podcast as part of The Book of Life’s Books in the Time of Coronavirus series.
- The Chester Library ehind the Book Series . See the recording of the visit on Youtube.
- Radio appearance on “Dropping In with Diane Dewey.” Listen to the podcast here.
- Radio appearance on “Writers Voices.” Listen to the recording here.
- Wide-reaching conversation with Susanne Dunlap on her podcast, “It’s Just Historical.” Listen on Apple Podcasts, Susanne’s website, or on Overcast
- Podcast on New Books Networks – New Books in Historical Fiction, with C. P. Lesley. This also appeared on The Literary Hub.
- Podcast on GSMC Book Review Podcast Episode 265: Interview with Michelle Cameron
- Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb: Q&A with Michelle Cameron
- Interview with Michael Goldfarb, author of Emancipation, which inspired Beyond the Ghetto Gates, as part of the Detroit Jewish Book Fair.

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