I’m delighted to be included in a lovely poster of specifically Jewish books created by Julie Zuckerman, author of The Book of Jeremiah. This Chanukah, Give the Gift of Words is the poster’s title, and Julie has thoughtfully included fiction, poetry, memoir and nonfiction, children and young adult books, as well as books about food. What could be more appropriate as a holiday gift for the people of the book?
Here is the wonderful company I find myself in. Note that the links take you primarily to the author’s or publisher’s websites, as I’m resisting sending you directly to Amazon when small independent booksellers need our support:
The Book of Jeremiah: A Novel in Stories by Julie Zuckerman
A Bend in the Stars by Rachel Barenbaum
We Love Anderson Cooper: Short Stories by R. L. Maizes
White Zion by Gila Green
Make It Concrete by Miryam Sivan
Battered by G. P. Gottlieb
The Duel for Consuelo by Claudia H. Long
The In-Between Place by Judy Walters
AND Beyond the Ghetto Gates by yours truly (note that this is available for pre-order only!)
Birthright: Poems by Erika Dreifus
Books for Early Readers
The King’s Horse: A Purim Story by Leah Sokol
Hannah’s Hanukkah Hiccups by Shanna Silva
Rabbi RocketPower and the Mystery of the Missing Menorahs: a Hanukkah Humdinger by Rabbi Susan Abramson
The Number on Her Arm by Courtney Tisch
Judah Maccabee Goes to the Doctor by Ann D. Koffsky
Jodie’s Hanukkah Dig by Anna Levine
Young Adult
The Prophetess: A Novel by Evonne Marzouk
Stranger by Keren David (coming this April)
Wasted Pretty by Jamie Beth Cohen
Memoir & Nonfiction
Franci’s War by Franci Rabinek Epstein
My Beautiful Detour by Amy Oestreicher
The Art of Leaving by Ayelet Tsabari
I Wanted Fries with That by Amy Fist
Faith Ed by Linda K. Wertheimer
Open Your Hand by Ilana Blumberg
Great Food Finds Washington, DC: Delicious Food from the Nation’s Capital by Beth Kanter
The Chilean Kitchen : Authentic, Homestyle Foods, Regional Wines, and Culinary Traditions of Chile by Ruth Van Waerebeek- Gonzalez
With this range of books, there’s something for everyone’s Chanukah gift-giving! It’s certainly helped me do my own shopping for the holiday. Thanks again, Julie, for creating this terrific poster.
Lovely post. Thank you!
My pleasure! Happy holidays!